English Pre-Int-A, Post 5, 'Changes to my study programme'

 Warm Salutations,

This week, I am bringing to you the fifth out of six blog sessions.

In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment:

Write about some changes that could be made to your study programme

Among others, think about:

> The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)
> Workload and length of studies
> Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
> Use of technology
> Teaching Methods

- Word Count: 230
- Leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and your teacher's blog entry 

As I always do, I leave you with a sample post,

"I think I would not change any of the subjects from the undergraduate programme I studied. They are OK and I have no complaints whatsoever. The curriculum was probably meant to cover every single aspect of English Linguistics and Literature. What it did not cover was Spanish Linguistics, and of course, I did not study Spanish Linguistics. Even though I took a subject on Spanish Grammar and Introduction to Literary Studies completely in Spanish, it was not complete enough to say that I received enough linguistic training in Spanish Linguistics and Literature.

That being so, and focusing on the workload and length of studies, I think they were kind of appropriate since we were university students and we were meant to be there from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm. We, as students, were taking a full-time academic workload and it was OK as well. Furthermore, I would say this training in English Linguistics, formally speaking at least, helped enormously to create a sense of discipline of study and on this matter, a full-time formal training was also OK.  

On another tone, The Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities falls into dark times concerning the not very amicable status of its facilities and use of technology. When entering the faculty’s facilities one can feel a terrible sense of isolation from the outside world. What I mean to say is that there is not a single trace of technology from this century.

In an overall appraisal, I would say I liked the programme in itself. As I already said, it was nothing else but formal training in Linguistics in four years.  Boring you might say, but quite useful". 

What about you?



  1. I feel that everything has been really nice until now, but talking about infrastructure, in FACSO, it feels really meager since there is an 'old' and 'new' building that doesn't really fit each other.

  2. I think it is very interesting your analysis that it is also important to know well about the grammar in Spanish to know well that of English

  3. Hi teacher, I agree with what my classmate Sofia says and I think that there is still a lot of work to do in terms of infraestructure in the faculty.

  4. hi teacher, about what you said about the faculty of philosofy and humanities its so sad to think that that is the reality of a lot faculties in this university

  5. Hi teacher, the truth is that I consider that your workload and duration of studies is exhausting, or at least for a person who lives far away from the university must be exhausting. I speak from my own experience because that happens to me on Mondays when I leave the university late :c

  6. Hi teacher, I also think that training every day is something very useful and beneficial, whether in some subject, sport o anything else.

  7. Hi teacher, I'm surprised about the duration of studies, if I had a full-time academic workload I would have difficulties to follow a routine, it would be so exhausting

  8. Its sad that the faculty issue you bring up is very common, comparing with the medicine or engineering ones, the faculties of philosofy and humanities are very precarious in many aspects.

  9. Hello teacher, I agree with you when you talk about the use of technology. I think it is very important that all universities have a technology plan prepared for the requirements of a pandemic, for example.

  10. Hi teacher, I think that the class day that you had was too much. I couldn't deal with all that hours, but for your career, it sounds useful

  11. Hi proffesor, I´m just surprised about the time that you have been study. I guess that I couldn´t spent study that amount of time.

  12. WOW! It's impressive the amount of hours you spent studying, but understand that when you study something you like, the hours fly by. Besides, as you say, investing many hours of work in something (like studying another language), is really useful to become an expert in it.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It’s so irritating to see how the institutions provides the resources and technology just to the areas of which make profits of. But… what we could do, right…?

  15. Hi teacher, I just get in shock reading how much hours you spend studying. Anyway, I agree with you, FACSO has a lot of work to get a better infrastucture


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